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Photo Credit Hermeus

Diggin’ It...

Moon Rocks

We are living in an exciting time ​for space exploration. And it ​started with something that ​happened 55 years ago!

Preparing for Flight

Hey, future pilots and engineers! ​Have you ever watched a race car zoom ​down a track? Well, something similar ​is happening with a super cool plane ​called Quarterhorse Mk 1!

The Hermeus team is doing something called "taxi testing." ​This means they’re letting their plane roll down the runway ​again and again, like practicing before a big race. But they’re ​not just doing it for fun—they’re collecting important ​information to make sure everything works perfectly.

Next up, they’ll be doing medium and high-speed taxi runs, ​where the plane goes even faster down the runway! And after ​that? The most exciting part—Quarterhorse Mk 1 will take its ​very first flight! Stay tuned for more adventures!

Question Mark Illustration

Click the activity button to test ​your Quarterhorse knowledge

Team Building Activities icon
Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Round Curve

NOUN’s Mission

Inspire young ​learners by ​connecting ​students, ​educators and ​parents with ​industry and ​experts.


Empowering Real Life ​Super Heros!

Hand Drawn Television
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Boom Bang Colorful Superhero Symbol Isolated Icon
Shooting star

Shinning Stars

Some of the ​schools we work ​with to create ​NOUN content.

Crestview ​Elementary

McKinley School

Prestwood ​Elementary

Sassarini ​Elementary

Jump Aero wants to help first responders get to emergencies ​quickly. They're developing special planes - known as eVTOLs - ​that can take off and land vertically and fly really fast.

Jump Aero’s eVTOLs will be like superheroes for people living in ​the country, because they'll cut in half the time it takes for help to ​arrive in an emergency.

Learning ​Collaborative ​Partners

A few of the air and ​space entities we ​work with to ​engage and inspire ​young learners.

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a noun learning ​collaborative partner

Robot Cat Isolated Coloring Page for Kids

Click the cat!


See what Crestview ​Elementary students ​designed for KMI, an ​aerospace company ​using biomimicry to ​design satellites.

Kall Morris and GATE Space are teaming up to clean up space junk. KMI ​will use special computer programs and equipment, while GATE Space ​will use their systems for moving things in space with eco-friendly fuels.

The companies have met in England, Colorado, and California to talk about ​how they’ll be working together and to plan missions to pick up space junk ​around Earth. This teamwork shows that KMI and GATE Space want to ​make space safer. By working together, they hope to prevent dangerous ​crashes in space and make space operations safer for everyone.

Watch Liza Fust from KMI ​explain during our ​interview last year that ​space junk is a big problem ​because it can damage ​important things in space.

Photos: Coulson Aviation

Coulson Aviation is changing a former Southwest Airlines plane into the world’s largest air tanker to ​fight fires. They plan to get up to ten of these planes from Southwest Airlines.

The FIRELINER – a large air tanker (LAT) – can carry 5,000 gallons (19,000 liters) of water to put out ​fires. It can also carry people when it’s not fighting fires.

In 2023, wildfires caused a lot of damage and released over 2.1 billion tons of CO2 – more than many ​countries produce. Planes like the FIRELINER are important for stopping fires before they become too ​big and dangerous.

Diggin’ It

In July 1969, Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong made history by collecting 17 scoops ​of lunar soil from a small area right outside the Eagle - a Lunar Module or spacecraft. This ​soil, contained something very special: Helium-3.

What is Helium-3?

Helium-3 is a light and stable form of Helium. It is very rare and expensive on Earth, costing ​over $20 million per kilogram - that’s about the same weight as a pineapple!

On earth, it mostly comes from the decay of Tritium, making it very limited. However, ​Helium-3 is much more plentiful on the Moon.

Why is Helium-3 Important?

Helium-3 has many amazing uses:

  • Clean Energy: It can be used in nuclear fusion to create a new era of clean energy.
  • Quantum Computing: It helps in making advanced computers that can solve problems ​faster and more accurately.
  • Medical Imaging: It improves MRI scans, helping doctors diagnose and treat patients ​better

Harvesting Helium-3 from the Moon.

Now, we have the technology to collect Helium-3 from the Moon. Thanks to ​lower space launch costs and new lunar equipment like landers and rovers, we ​can bring this valuable resource back to Earth in a responsible way.

The Mission.

Interlune - a company leading the development of sustainable, responsible ​harvesting of natural resources from space - is working to make this happen. ​They have a team of experts working on the technology and making sure ​everything is legal and sustainable. One of their executives - Harrison “Jack” ​Schmitt - was an Apollo 17 astronaut and is the only geologist to walk on the ​Moon. He has been studying Helium-3 for many years.

Building the Future.

With new rockets like Starship and programs like Artemis, they are ready to build ​a successful space business. They have already raised funding - money from ​investors to build their business - and they have agreements with customers.

IThis new era of space development that started with a small scoop of lunar soil ​in 1969, holds the promise of transforming our world in incredible ways.

Apollo Mission Patches
3D Apollo Spacecraft

Photo Credit NASA

More Space History

On May 15th, 1963, NASA astronaut L. Gordon ​Cooper launched from Launch Complex 14 in Cape ​Canaveral, Florida, on the Faith 7 spacecraft. This ​was the last of the Mercury missions.

More than sixty years later, Stoke Space will use ​the same launch pad for their Nova rocket.

Stoke Space Co-founder and CEO, Andy Lapsa, said, ​“The opportunity to reactivate this site is a ​profound responsibility that our entire team holds ​in the highest regard.”

Hear Andy s advice for aspiring aerospace students
Black Arrow Paint Stroke Scribble

Photo Credit Sierra Space

They Passed The Test

Sierra Space, a big space company, ​shared some exciting news! Their ​special spaceplane called Dream ​Chaser Tenacity® has passed some ​really tough tests at NASA’s Neil ​Armstrong Test Facility in Ohio.

Dream Chaser Tenacity and its cargo ​friend, Shooting Star®, have arrived at ​NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in ​Florida. There, they will get ready for ​their first big trip into space later this ​year.

Shooting star

Imagine you're planning a big trip to the Moon. Well, just like we have time ​standards here on Earth, we need to make sure we have the right time standards ​for space travel too! Here's what the United States and it’s partners are planning:

Moon Time

1. Setting Time Standards: making sure when people travel to the Moon, they have their own special ​time to follow. This time needs to be super accurate and work even if they lose contact with Earth.

2. What's the Big Deal? Well, when we go to the Moon or other places in space, we need to know ​what time it is for lots of reasons. It helps us navigate and communicate better with each other!

3. Why Does Time Act Funny in Space? Because of something called relativity, time can be a little ​wonky in different places. For example, a clock on the Moon might track time a bit differently than ​one on Earth.

4. Making Space Travel Safer: Having the right time standards helps to keep track of minutes and ​seconds and make sure space travelers stay safe and can do their jobs correctly.

So, those are a few of the reasons scientists are working hard to figure out the best way to keep track ​of time in space!

Colorful Textured Satellite Space Element
Trash Can, Illustration, Vector on White Background.


Satellite Trash Talk

A company in Japan called Astroscale shared some exciting news about their special satellite called ​ADRAS-J! It got close to a piece of space junk, which is like garbage floating in space, but it did it ​safely and in a controlled way.

The ADRAS-J team in Japan and the UK planned ​everything carefully, and their satellite moved ​closer and closer to the space junk using special ​techniques and cameras. The satellite took a ​picture of the space junk, which was an old rocket ​part.

This is a big deal because it's the first time anyone ​has snapped a picture of space junk. This ​information will help Astroscale and others - KMI ​for example - learn how to clean up space!

Cartoon Planets

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